Wednesday, December 16

The worst hit song ever

The music video was the most popular of 2009--83 million views.  I bet that at least 63 million of those views were in Latin America. 

I hear Pitbull's "I Know You Want Me" about four times a day. I hear it in restaurants, blaring from trucks selling propane and digitized in cell phone rings; this song is a big hit. 

The beat is annoying and the lyrics lack, oh, I don't know, class? It's also shockingly misogynistic. You can get the idea from the English lyrics, but the Spanish chorus is the worst part of the song:
Si es verdad que tu eres guapa
Yeah, it's true that you're sexy.
Yo te voy a poner gozar
I going to make you enjoy it.
Tu tienes la boca grande
You have a big mouth,
Dale, ponte a jugar
So, do it, let's start to play. 

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